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How to make Homemade Pulled Pork

pulled pork epicurious

Picking the right cooking method is the first step to making pulled pork. Before you start using a gas grill make sure that the tank is filled. After your pork is browned, cover it with aluminum foil. Reduce heat if needed to stop the pork burning. If you don't have a slow cooker or oven, you can use them.


The delicious meaty goodness of pulled pork can be transformed into delicious dishes with just a few simple ingredients. Its smoky flavour pairs well with gooey cheese, green onions and sour cream. You can also add slices of jalapenos for an extra kick. You can also experiment with other meats to create a unique flavour combination. Pulled pork can also be prepared in a variety dishes, such as a simple barbecue sauce or hearty stew.

This dish is best served on a soft, brioche hamburger bun with butter. Let the brioche bake for about 2 minutes over medium heat before adding the pulled pork. Add your favorite colelaw to the top and enjoy! This recipe is great to share with loved ones.

Use a meat thermometer to cook pulled pork. When using a thermometer, it's important to keep an eye on the meat. A thermometer can be used to ensure meat reaches an internal temperature of 185 degrees. To get the best results, you should check the temperature every 15-30 minutes.

The slow cooker is an excellent way to cook pulled pork. The slow cooker allows you to quickly and easily cook pulled pork. You can also use the smoker or oven to cook the pork.


When it comes to pulled pork, you can make it in a few different ways. You can marinate the pork in a sauce you can then add to it when it is time to eat. You can season the meat with the vinegar sauce, and Worcestershire sauce or ketchup can be used as a dip sauce. You can also serve the meat with cracklings or coleslaw.

Pulled pork is made usually from the shoulder of the porcine. These cuts, which are often called "pork or Boston butt" or "Bostonbutt", actually come from the pig’s shoulder. Picnic ham is a boneier version of the shoulder and is a great choice for making pulled porc.

The first step involves brining the pork. For this purpose, you can use coarse sea salt and freshly ground pepper. The pork can also be rubbed with some rub after it has been brined. The rub will make the pork moist and delicious when it is time to be served.

Transfer the cooked pork to a large platter. Allow the roast to rest for at least 10 minutes before shredding. Serve the pulled pork with a Carolina-style BBQ sauce with a mustard base. You can also serve it with coleslaw, baked beans, and fries.

Cooking methods

Pulled pork is very versatile and can be prepared in a variety of ways. It can be roasted or smoked outdoors. These methods produce tender, flavorful meats but lack the caramelization that makes meat crisp and flavorful. You can also cook pulled pork in a slow cooker. This method allows for large amounts of pork to be cooked at once, and it skips the process of searing.

This pork can be prepared with a dry rub that consists of salt, sugar, and/or paprika. This will make your pork tender and form a bark like crust. Make sure to rinse the pork after cooking to prevent it from becoming too salty. For an extra kick, you can add cayenne pepper, mustard powder, and cumin to the dry rub. Other spices, such as garlic and paprika can be added to the dry mix. A jerk sauce is another option if you want a more exotic flavor. This type of pulled porc has a Caribbean flavor.

The best choice for this dish is pork shoulder, also called 'bostonbutt'. Pork shoulder should usually be bought bone-in and cut into four pieces. Next, you will need to season the pork. This can be done either the night before or the day after. You could also roast the pork shoulder for a few hours.


The first step to preparing pulled pork is to make the sauce. To make the sauce, you can use a blender. Puree all the ingredients, except the pork, until smooth. Next, put the pork into a slow cooker and cover it with aluminum foil. Allow it to cook for 3 hours or overnight. Lemon juice can be added to the sauce just before it is ready for serving.

There are many options for how to serve pulled porc, including sandwiches, tacos or lettuce cups. You can also freeze the meat separately. It can be frozen separately and kept in the fridge or freezer for up 2 days. It is ready to serve when it is reheated.

Make the barbecue sauce. Heat a large skillet to 325°F. Add the pork, and cook until lightly browned. Use a wire-mesh strainer to drain the oil from the pan. Recycle any oil left over. Combine the sugar, rice wine and cornstarch. Stir well.

After cooking the pork, you can add a little sauce to it before grilling. This should be enough sauce to keep the meat moist. The amount of barbecue sauce that is required for the pork will vary depending on its size. For moist and warm pork, cover it with aluminum foil in the last minutes of cooking.

Serving ideas

When it comes down to pulled pork, the sides matter just as much as the meat. You can make the classic sides of barbecue or you can try something different. You can make a fresh coleslaw using low-fat mayo, or even a vegan one. These dishes are quick and easy to prepare, and they will add a nice finishing touch to your meal. Try adding dill pickles and thinly sliced onions to your meal.

Once your pulled pork is cooked and cooled, you can serve it right away, or save it for later. If you don't want to serve it right away, you can store it in separate containers and refrigerate for up to two days. You can reheat it by placing it in a baking dish and heating it in the oven at 350 degrees. You can also add the pan drippings to the pulled pork.

To add more flavor, you can make a sauce with the sauce. It will consist of shallots (basil, oil, salt and red pepper flakes). The sauce can be allowed to rest for up three hours at room temperatures or for up two days in the refrigerator. You can add some lemon juice to the sauce just before it is ready to be served.

The slow cooker holds approximately five to six quarts. You can also add cole Slaw to your pulled pork dish if it is being prepared for large groups. You can also get a pulled-pork sandwich at a local cafe.

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The first step toward getting a job as a chef is to complete a culinary arts degree. You should next join a professional organization such as the American Culinary Federation. The ACF offers certification exams and networking opportunities.

Can I learn how to cook together with my children?

Yes! Yes! It's a fun activity that teaches them responsibility and teamwork. You can have your children help you with everything, from washing vegetables to cutting onions. Your children will be more comfortable helping you cook if you teach them safe techniques for handling knives.

Can you learn to cook on your own?

Yes, it is possible to be a self-taught chef! It is something everyone enjoys, regardless of their level of cooking ability. Start cooking at home if you want to learn how to cook. Start small with things like making pancakes or spaghetti sauce for your dinner. Experimenting with new recipes is the best way to learn to cook. It's possible that you will make mistakes.

You can learn to cook in a matter of hours or weeks depending on your level of cooking ability. Remember that cooking is not about following recipes. There are many ways of cooking food. So if you have an idea for a recipe, use it.


  • On average, chefs earn $58,740 a year, according to the BLS. - learnhowtobecome.org
  • You'll be amazed that over 90% of CIA students receive scholarships and grants to finish their culinary studies. (ischoolconnect.com)
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How to make Homemade Pulled Pork